Tachometer and Speedometer Cable information




ISSPRO manufactures custom made heavy duty speedometer and tachometer cables up to lengths of 40’.


Applications include:


  • -Heavy duty trucks
  • 2.Airboats
  • 3.Marine applications
  • 4.Oil drilling
  • 5.Some older pickups w/ threaded fittings
  • 6.Competition race cars

Construction includes .445 vinyl covered steel housing and .150 inner coregreased and ready to go.

We offer a variety of upper ferule sizes including;


  • 1.5/8-18 (for standard ISSPRO mechanical speedometers and tachometers
  • 2.¾-20 (for older pre-1964 applications)
  • 3.7/8-18 (for Jones, Moroso, and Fly Ball tachometers)

Our lower tip sizes include:

  • 1..104 SQ
  • 2..124 SQ
  • 3..150 SQ
  • 4..152 TANG
  • 5..187 TANG
  • 6..203 TANG

Extension shafts are available in cases where additional lengthening is required without replacing the current

Extension ferrule size:

1.7/8-18 male thread with drive tips of either .104 internal SQ or .203 internal TANG
**Lower tip sizes are the same as above.

Send your old cable or identify your custom/replacement needs by
using the following steps:

1.Determine the size and style of the connection on the upper end of your cable

*The most common speedo/tach connection isa 5/8 18 demale thread nut with .104 squaretip. Extentions/
housings use a 7/8 18 male-threaded ferrule and female extension tip.

2.Determine the size and style of the connection on the lower end at the trans/tach drive.

*The most common lower nut is 7/8 18 female thread. Two popluar lower tp sizes for tach’s are .152 and .187
round with tang. Three popluar speedo drive tips are .187 & .203 round tips with tang, or .104 square

3.Measure the length of cable/housing to be replaced.

4.Place your order with ISSPRO by calling 800-888-8065